Whitworth - The Nordic God of Sexual Healing
Dr. Jonathan Whitworth This is the homepage of Dr. Jonathan Whitworth. England's premier Nordic sexual healer.
As Nordic sexual healers are new to the Internet, please will all ladies be patient with me as I errect my electronic sexual healing clinic.
All lovely ladies can contact me with their sex problems. The Doctor can guarantee he can revive a ladies lagging labido.
The Doctor would especially like to delve deeper into the history of your sex lives.
Ladies : Contact me with your sexual problems
Nordic Sexual Healing - A brief outline Nordic Sexual Healing rests on a careful balance of touch and Moisture.
Dr. Whitworth has become a world expert in this field through his belief in the regular weighing of breasts, this represents the foundation of his cure.
However, the Doctor could never reveal his secrets to just anyone. So contact the doctor at [email protected]

Here is a link to FortuneCity.


Whitworth Holiday Inc.
Unwind at the Doctor's resort


If the Doctor cannot help you
Find self help here if you are sad and vunerable

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